Perlindungan Hak Cipta Dari Tindakan Pembajakan Software di Tinjau Dari Hukum Nasional
Technological developments give birth to new creative ideas and create something that never existed before. The digital world is the main medium to make this happen. Every day more than millions of people use or log in to the internet for various purposes, from scientific research to playing interactive games in cyberspace, or from trading or e-commerce to surfing gambling sites. In this case, there is a legal instrument Law no. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright which applies in Indonesia where one of the objects that receives copyright protection is a computer program, in this case software. With this, it can be said that the copyright regime has received new challenges after the internet, one of which is the protection of software or computer programs. However, violations of current developments are also increasingly common with the advent of the internet. Software is a computer program that is often used as an object of piracy. Software piracy has long been a serious problem. Software piracy that is often carried out is on CD media, the Internet, and often even directly from computer to computer using a data cable. As a result, Indonesia is faced with the impacts and problems of piracy which are quite significant and well known both internationally and in Indonesia itself. Regulations related to copyright through Law Number 28 of 2014 are currently considered not yet firm enough to regulate software piracy. Therefore, the problem formulation in this research that is studied is: a) What is the form of copyright protection from acts of software piracy in terms of international law b) How is the regulation of legal copyright protection for computer programs (software) according to Law Number 28 of the Year 2014 concerning Copyright and what factors constitute obstacles to its implementation. Meanwhile, the research method uses normative research, namely this research approach is based on library materials which are secondary data or also known as Library Law Research. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out qualitatively.
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